
Food for thought

"Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton." -Dean Koontz-

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Spielberg and King - Ingredients for an ingenious miniseries!

I have a bit of a confession to make here before I start. Honest? I’m not really a fan of science fiction as a kid. But as long as I remembered, a movie of the 80’s changed everything. It was about an alien, fallen to earth unto the care of a loving boy; a movie called E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982), and upon seeing this movie, I was like,
“Whoa…Sci-Fi is really cool!” - My first appreciation of sci-fi, and then, it goes like,
“The guy who did this is truly a prodigy!” – There goes my first credit to Steven Spielberg.

And I’m not a biggie for horror neither. But one mere collection of books by Stephen King changed my mind. This guy is a genius, and I bet most people would agree on that. Throw him a paper and ink, and he’ll hurl back a gasping horror that never had crossed your mind.

And now, this duo are going to work on a miniseries based on a novel “Under the Dome” by Stephen King which had just been released on November 10, 2009, and honestly…this project gonna explode! With the courtesy of Dreamworks Picture, 1088 pages of the novel will make their way towards the screen, having two geniuses as the backbone, back to back…how interesting is that!

I haven’t got my hand on the book yet, but as far as I know, the story goes in a small vacation town in Maine, where an invisible force field suddenly materialized, cutting the locals off from the outside world. And the cost they have to pay for survival jostled upon the piles of fears and total madness.

So I’m guessing this is a good book to read, and hell of a good series to watch! Don’t cha think?