
Food for thought

"Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton." -Dean Koontz-

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fat ugly side of sex – Mike Chadway

Be frank here. Sometimes you’ll have the feelings that you knew the story sucks just by looking at the poster heh?! Well try this…what do you think of a poster of a smiling woman in a beautiful red dress holding a solid love aloft, leaning against a wall, and a guy leaning against the other side of the wall, looked rather confused? Will it sucks? Well, either way, it may whisk passed your eyes like an abandoned page of a book when others are filled with grasping violence of ghosts and goriness, am I right? No?

Well at least that’s what I thought when I first saw the poster of ‘The ugly Truth’ at the side of the cinema’s hallway. I tend to flipped aside those kind stories, and I guess that was a bit racist huh? A bit selfish too, when some of my readers are here to find out about the movie like that. So I decided to take a shot at the movie.

Damn… It was good! So funny that I couldn’t stop laughing even after the movie ended. I even laughed while I was writing this review for heaven sake. But I won’t spoil the story for you. You ought to know for yourself. So grab a ticket and see for yourself.

But I had to say this though, don’t censor the vulgarity of their conversation using ‘beep’ or ‘boop’ or ‘poop’ or whatever sound there is! It’s really truly a turnoff! Just ignore the kids who had come to see the movie and blame their parents for letting them to do so, because clearly the movie was rated unsuitable for viewers under 18. So whadda fuck?!

I’ll tell you something about ‘The Ugly Truth’. It is where Mike Chadway (Gerrard Butler) makes jokes about the neglected truth about life which somehow had caught the attention of the lady in red (Katherine Hiegl). However I must warned you that their jokes are mostly about sex, so don’t watch this film if you cannot take sex as a funny thing. LOL!

So, there it is… I gave some credit for ‘The Ugly Truth’ as one of the good movie of 2009. Thanks for reading guys!

Isn't them sweet?